Cleaning of the communal areas of your building as it should be and at the asking price!
Cleaning of apartment buildings, buildings and communal areas requires commonality, organization and know-how. The Department of Building Cleaning Services provides cleaning services for multi-dwelling buildings and buildings of all sizes. With cleaning programs tailored to the needs of each apartment building and with its experienced and fully equipped cleaning staff, it serves, economically and safely, all over Attica district.
To clean the common areas of your apartment building, Atticlean has set up a specialized and fully organized department to ensure the seamless hygiene and cleanliness of the communal areas of your apartment building.
Our cleaning crews stand out for their friendly attitude and courtesy for their experience and professional service while their flexibility and organization can satisfy your cleaning needs of your apartment building whenever and as you wish .
We put in your service two or three-member mobile building cleaning crews, consisting of certified, courteous, permanent and trusted cleaners, fully equipped with branded detergents and preservatives.
Our cleaning crews visit your apartment at the pre-agreed frequency and always show interest and attention to the cleaning needs and the care of your apartment building.
By emphasizing compliance with customer agreements, the quality of our materials and the control of our staff, we achieve excellent cleaning and maintenance of the common areas of your apartment building, the full satisfaction of our customers and the long-term cooperation with them.
Hundreds of blocks of flats throughout Attica have trusted attiClean to clean their common areas! You?
The cleaning maintenance of your apartment building can be done as many times a week as you wish and includes the following cleaning tasks:

The cleaning program of the apartment building can be modified on a case-by-case basis , based on the cleaning needs of each building , providing you with the cleaning quality you want.
Cleaning maintenance of common areas of apartment buildings throughout Attica
Περιοχές που εξυπηρετούμε με διαφορετικά συνεργεία καθαρισμού: Αγία Παρασκευή, Γέρακα, Χολαργό, Μελίσσια, Μαρούσι, Βριλλήσια, Χαλάνδρι, Ψυχικό, Γλυφάδα, Βουλιαγμένη, Βάρη, Κορωπί, Κερατέα, Γλυκά Νερά, Παιανία, Πειραιά, Μοσχάτο, Πέραμα, Κορυδαλλό, Κερατσίνι, Καλλιθέα, Χαϊδάρι, Δάφνη, Δαφνή, Αιγάλεω, Κηφισιά, Νέα Ερυθραία, Πολιτεία, Δροσιά, Μενίδι Αχαρναι, Ίλιον, Πετρούπολη, Περιστέρι, Νέα Φιλαδέλφεια, Ριζούπολη, Νέο Ηράκλειο, Φιλοθέη, Αμπελόκηποι, Τουρκοβούνια, Χαλκηδόνα, Υμηττός, Φαληρο, Αγ.Ι. Ρέντη, κέντρο Αθήνας, Ταύρο, Πετράλωνα, Πατήσια, Σεπόλια, Θησείο, Κεραμεικό, Πεντέλη, Νεος Κόσμος κ.ο.κ.